Why should I jump rope?
What is the best style of rope for me to use?
What are the best learning resources to use?
How can I start a team or recreation program?
How can I find a jump rope team to join?
Will my e-mail or other personal information be given out?
Is it safe to send credit card information through this site?
What if I want to place an order offline?
How do I order custom ropes?
How do I adjust the length of a jump rope?

Why Jump Rope?

Rope skipping will directly contribute to maintaining or improving both health related and skill related fitness components. It is often called the most perfect fitness activity available.

Health related fitness benefits include:

  • cardiorespiratory endurance
  • muscle strength
  • muscular endurance
  • body composition (lean body mass)
  • flexibility
  • as a weight bearing activity, builds strong, dense bones (osteoporosis prevention)
  • Medium impact thus less wear and tear on weight bearing joints than many other cardiovascular acrtivities

Skill related fitness benefits include:

  • coordination
  • timing and rhythm
  • speed
  • power
  • balance
  • agility

Other benefits include:

  • easy to learn
  • inexpensive activity
  • creative
  • fun
  • enhanced self image
  • social skills

Choosing the Right Rope

Visit our Choosing Your Rope page here.

Choosing the Right Resource

There are many resources available from which target different users. 

For Teachers:
Check out the Jump2BFit Activity Program – it has all that you need right out of the box to run a great 10 unit curriculum linked program with no experience required!  Written by a Phys. Ed. Specialist with over 25 years of jump rope coaching/instruction experience.

For Double Dutch specifics, the Jump2BFit Double Dutch Program supports greater challenges and learning using ropes all the way up to 36 ft.

For Coaches and Trainers:
Jump Rope for Fitness and Conditioning Book and DVD is the ideal program to enhance athletics training with over 70 drills and skills that focus on improving speed, power, endurance, coordination and strength.

For Adults:
S3 = Skip, Strength, Stretch is the ideal all in one program book that improves total body cardiovascular fitness, strength and flexibility suitable for all levels of fitness with multiple Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced programs within each section. All that is needed is a jump rope and resistance bands!  Available book only or in a kit with two Thera-band™ resistance bands, DVD and choice of jump rope.

JumpFit is a jump rope only workout program that will enhance anyone’s cardiovascular program.

For Children:
Get kids started jumping at home with the JumpFit for Kids program - includes an instructional booklet, 14 ft long rope and 8 ft single rope in beaded or speed style jump ropes.

For Families:
The Family Fit Kit helps kids and adults get jumping together! 

Starting a Team or Recreation Program

To start a team or jump rope club, first decide on the ropes and instructional/coaching materials you will need. Ropes can be ordered with quantity discounts in lengths from 6ft to 36ft.

Start with a few dozen single speed ropes in a variety of lengths. Speed style jump ropes are an ideal starting point as they are least costly and light weight. If you plan to include double dutch, we suggest ordering either the Beaded or Cloth style ropes. They are best for teaching skills and for beginners to control when turning.  The sound of the rope hitting the ground also assists new jumpers.

Our Jump2bFit® Rope Skipping Fitness and Activity Program will be perfect for your jump rope club or team teaching and coaching needs with sections on skills (single rope, long rope and double dutch for individuals, pairs and groups), club practices, routine choreography, competition rules, performing for audiences and much more. Learn more about the Jump2bFit® Program.

It is very easy to start a jump rope club or team because the skills are easy to learn and to teach. You do not need a highly specialized or qualified instructor. Many excellent teams and clubs are coached by an interested teacher, parent or other adult who had a group of kids, a place to practice and some basic equipment and teaching information.  Many nationally and internationally competitive teams simply started with the types of skills found in Jump2BFit to start, then building on the basics!

Finding a Team

Here are links to organizations in various countries through which you can find a local team:

Australia Skipping Australia
Belgium Belgian Rope Skipping Federation
Bermuda Bermuda Heart Foundation
Canada Canadian Rope Skipping Federation
China LuoYang Skipping Rope Association
Denmark Denmarks Gymnastik Forbund
France French Federation of Double Dutch
Germany DTB Rope Skipping
Hong Kong Hong Kong Rope Skipping Association
India Jump Rope Federation of India
Japan Japanese Rope Skipping Federation
Malaysia GB Rope Skipping Association
Netherlands Netherland Rope Skipping Organisation
Portugal Portuguese Rope Skipping Association
Singapore Rope Sports (Singapore)
South Korea The Korea Jump Rope Association
Switzerland SATUS
UK British Rope Skipping Association
USA USA Jump Rope

Privacy Protection

We do not sell or give personal information or email addresses to any other business or organization.

Credit Card Security

All personal and credit card information is sent via SSL which means that information sent between your computer and our servers are encrypted when you see https:// in the address bar. In addition, all credit card numbers are encrypted and are never stored in plain text.

Offline Orders allows offline orders. During the checkout process you may choose to pay by Corporate Cheque, Bank Draft, Purchase Order, of Phone/Fax of Credit Card information. Your invoice will contain all of the contact information for follow-up.

Custom Ropes offers custom PVC and beaded ropes. There are more details on our Custom Ropes section. Custom PVC ropes are handled exclusively through Atec Marketing Ltd. in Canada, while custom beaded ropes are handled by Heartbeat Enterprises Inc. in the United States, and Atec Marketing Ltd. everywhere else. Please contact us for more detailed custom rope orders that may not be handled by the shopping cart system or if you require more information.

  • How to Choose
  • FAQs
Heartbeat Enterprises
15078 Bainbridge Ct.
Westfield, IN
Toll Free: 1-888-JMP-ROPE (888-567-7673)
Tel: 312-944-5063
Fax: 905-648-7240
Email: [email protected]